Rectifying previous post

I want to keep this brief. I don’t really think I can follow up on the ideas I exposed in my last post. Due to heavy emotional strain caused by college and other things, I’m really struggling with creative work, and frankly, VS is already really limited in what one can offer with it (although you know well that I try to make my content more like short novels rather than just battles).

I always knew I couldn’t do VS forever but fuuuuuuuck I’m not sure how much longer I can take it.

I’m not quitting immediately because I don’t like leaving things unfinished, but whether or not I keep writing will heavily depend on the reception to the last two parts of League of Villains VS Claw. This isn’t some kind of “haha I want attention” post, but honestly? I do want some damn attention.

On DA, LoV vs Claw’s currently-released parts have a very low amount of engagement, to the point that even some of my more filler-like fights like Mai vs Yumi did more numbers than what’s been one of my biggest projects so far. I can understand that people don’t always want to read an unfinished product, or maybe they just don’t care that much for the series, or all the fodder characters from the early parts. I can respect it if you don’t read it for those reasons, or any other.

But that doesn’t make it any less frustrating to the author. It really feels like wasting time on something that only I’ll care about, and you know, normally I wouldn’t mind that. I always told myself that I didn’t write for others, but for my own self-fulfillment, but if I’m not having fun writing, what am I even doing?

I’m gonna link the released parts of LoV VS Claw and sincerely ask you to check them out if you haven’t, maybe give a little feedback (honest stuff only, please let me know when I fuck up, and also yes I know I SOMEHOW mixed “cannibalism” with “capitalism” in Part 2 and it’s still fucking hilarious but no need to point it out lol. Eat the rich.)

Part 1

Part 2

I’ll be done with college this week, so I’ll actually have time to write. Hopefully, by the end of the summer, I’ll be done with the fight, and I’m gonna try to make it as great as I can.

Please enjoy and look forward to what the future may offer.

TL;DR: If League of Villains VS Claw doesn’t do numbers, I’m quitting. Will still update the blog with the old stuff, though.

Published by

Felicia Goodnight

The undisputed Queen of Murdering Fictional Characters™. 24 years old, librarian, and advocate for LGBT+ rights. If you don't fight for yourself, who will?

One thought on “Rectifying previous post”

  1. I personally hate my hero academia and am indifferent to mob psycho so I Have no interest in this fight am just going to check it out so you continue Your work


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